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Even under the most optimistic greenhouse gas reduction scenario the on-going process of climate change cannot be stopped. These impacts create new hazards and vulnerabilities putting the citizens´ quality of life and health at risk, particularly for the growing number of the elderly. Applicable knowledge from science and practice is necessary for decision making, even though uncertainties remain. CLIM-CAP proposes to bridge this gap by developing a training qualification for climate change adaptation in urban areas.


Welcome to the CLIM-CAP (Competences for sustainable city development: Qualification scheme for Climate Adaptation in Construction, Architecture and Planning) project website.


The CLIM-CAP project has been established to develop an innovative European Union (EU) accredited training qualification offering professionals who work in the built environment sector the practical skills and knowledge required to plan and deliver adaptation into the built environment of urban areas.


 A partnership of six organisations from five EU countries have come together to develop the training curriculum and to create a multi-platform learning environment through which improve the capacity of those involved in building resilience to climate change in the places where people live and work. This is essential in order to respond to climate change by integrating effective climate change adaptation measures into planning and construction practices.


The CLIM-CAP partners include the  Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) and Akademie der Ruhr-Universität gGmbH (AKA) from Germany, the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) from the UK, the Wageningen Academy (WBS) in the Netherlands, the Energiaklub Climate Policy Institute and Applied Communications (EK) in Hungary, and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain.


Working together, the experienced CLIM-CAP partners will share resources and expertise on known climate change adaptation impacts and existing training materials and modules, to devise a new qualification scheme. Click on the 'About CLIM-CAP' tab for more details about the project and on ‘Project partners’ tab for more details about the partners.


The CLIM-CAP project was initiated in December 2013 and will run until December 2015. CLIM-CAP is co-financed by the European Union's Lifelong Learning Programme, which is managed by the Education, Audiovisual and Cultural Executive Agency.


This website will keep you up to date with all project activities and outcomes, including press coverage, reports, publications and training materials.