The CLIM-CAP target group comprises professionals in the field of construction, architecture and planning and other built environment professions. This target audience will significantly profit from the project results since deficits in planning related aspects with regard to climate change, conflict moderation and knowledge management will be addressed by the final CLIM-CAP training course. These issues are of utmost relevance since planning processes are complex and the interests of planners, investors, politicians and others differ significantly.

CLIM-CAP will be able to foster job creation in two ways: on the one hand the actors in the regional to local planning sector will be qualified which creates new job opportunities for young academics that still lack such specific training. On the other hand CLIM-CAP fosters the climate adaptation sector as a whole by enhancing the sector´s growth through carrying out high-quality consultancy services. These two relevant aspects clearly address the Europe 2020 “Agenda for new skills and jobs”.

The changing global climate resulting in an increase in extreme weather impacts has an effect on the social, economic and environmental qualities of towns and cities all over Europe. Warmer, wetter, winters and hotter, drier summers create a social, environmental and economic impact on all urban dwellers and dwellings and it is often the most vulnerable in society who are affected adversely.

Even under the most optimistic greenhouse gas reduction scenario the on-going process of climate change cannot be stopped. These impacts create new hazards and vulnerabilities putting the citizens´ quality of life and health at risk, particularly for the growing number of the elderly. Applicable knowledge from science and practice is necessary for decision making, even though uncertainties remain. However, the integration of scientific findings into urban development and planning practice has not yet taken place and fixed planning procedures lack both innovative approaches and adequate knowledge to integrate effective climate change adaptation measures into planning and construction practice.

The ultimate aim of CLIM-CAP is to develop a training programme that supports more informed and proactive development of climate change adaptation measures in towns, cities and villages through up-skilling the built environment professionals working on the planning, design and implementation of adaptation schemes.

To fulfill this aim, CLIM-CAP has five key objectives:

  • To develop a curriculum that fulfills trainee needs based on a market and demand analyses by filling the existing gaps climate change adaptation training currently provided by partner countries.
  • To develop a training programme that facilitates the transfer of integrated knowledge on climate change adaptation within the built environment and the processes of urban planning.
  • For each project partner to pilot the training course within their partner country and to monitor the experience of trainees and trainers in order to provide to feedback that will improve the final CLIM-CAP training programme.
  • To enable the development of new skills among built environment professionals that foster an integrated approach to the implementation of climate change adaptation within the built environment through the CLIM-CAP curriculum and learning environment.
  • To continually monitor, assess, and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the CLIM-CAP curriculum development and training course during the lifetime of the project.

The CLIM-CAP project is divided into 8 Work Packages (WP); each Work Package is lead by a CLIM-CAP partner and all partners take part in all WPs.

The evaluation activities will monitor and improve the project measures and assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the products (curriculum development and training course).

The CLIM-CAP project, funded by the European Lifelong Learning Programme, is developing an innovative EU accredited training qualification offering professionals who work in the built environment sector the practical skills and knowledge required to plan and deliver adaptation into the built environment of urban areas. Integrating climate change adaptation with planning, architecture and construction at the local level is integral to building resilience to climate change in the places where people live and work.

Working together, experienced partners from five EU countries will share resources and expertise on known climate change adaptation impacts and existing training materials and modules, to devise a new qualification scheme. Research has identified that there is a gap in knowledge transfer and communication between those responsible for spatial design and planning in urban areas, and the leading-edge research and solutions available across Europe.